April Aromatics Scent of Many Colours courtesy of the perfumer

 For some reason, award-winning artisanal natural perfumer Tanja Bochnig’s fragrance April Aromatics Scent of Many Colours somehow escaped my notice at the time of its release in the autumn of 2023; it was only recently that I became aware of its presence. I promptly contacted Tanja (who was on vacation in Ibiza at the time) and asked if she might send me a sample – which she kindly did.

 Tanja Bochnig of April Aromatics

Tanja Bochnig April Aromatics in Ibiza

Scent of Many Colours is a fragrant departure from April Aromatics’ customary modus operandi in that it is a playful montage of modules with which the perfumer had been experimentally engaged. As a result, there are no notes listed (in this wise, very similar to the Nasomatto perfumes): the wearer is asked to allow the olfactive dramatis personae to play out upon their fleshly canvas and intuit what they will. Therein lies a built-in element of mystery which is not normally the case in these days of transparency and full disclosure. I was intrigued, knowing full well that Tanja only incorporates high quality materials into her perfumes.

Ibiza Mountain View photo Tanja Bochnig

In many ways, April Aromatics Scent of Many Colours reflects upon the perfumer in a complimentary light. Through it, we sense Tanja’s ever-present joie de vivre, humor, and gentle optimism; it’s a window onto her perspective as much as anything else. In keeping with Tanja’s sense of balance and yogini way of life, Scent is both light of foot and lighthearted. Its carefree personality feels lyrical and unfettered, fuss-free. One can smell her ongoing love affair with chalorous climes and island life. There is a breezy facet which is palpable – a quality which renders this fragrance easy to wear and enjoy.

flowers that grow in Ibiza

 Photography of Flowers by Tanja Bochnig: Top Star Jasmine (white), wildflower possibly gold coin (yellow), Bougainvillea (fuchsia), hibiscus (lavender) collage by Michelyn

Scent of Many Colours is multi-tiered and prismatic, revealing many hues at various intervals throughout its development. It smells fruity, floral, woody, citrus-infused, spicy, and lactonic by turns – like an aromatic kaleidoscope. I believe that I discern rose at the very least; none of the other floral elements feel indolic, so that eliminates a few possibilities. I have an impression of stone fruit, juicy and smooth – and a warm spice accord which reminds me of those spices we remember fondly from such classics as Estée Lauder Cinnabar and the original YSL Opium. The lactonic facet which I perceive might well be the result of a coconut pulp CO2 or even massoia wood – the latter of which imparts a sweet tropical woody aspect that is buttery and redolent of coconut. What commences as citrus-tangy, floral and fruity eventually morphs into an ambery perfume: resin-rich, balsamic, simmering like mulled wine. In its eventual earthy drydown I suspect that a fine aged patchouli contributes to its sense of mischief. April Aromatics Scent of Many Colours is just that, a shape-shifter. While it hugs the skin, this fragrance lingers for some time, but it wears close – as many natural perfumes may. Those within one’s orbit are required to lean in to garner its full benefit; that merely indicates that you may apply it lavishly for a more sustained presence.

Ingredients: 100% natural essential oils and ingredients, organic grain alcohol

Perceived notes: citrus (bergamot, orange, Grapefruit), stone fruit, rose, coconut/massoia bark, patchouli, resins, spices

 Sample generously provided by the perfumer. My nose is my own…

~ Ida Meister, Deputy and Natural Perfumery Editor

Scent of Many Colors April Aromatics

April Aromatics Scent of Many Colours courtesy of the perfumer (photo is 30 ml , but 15 ml is being offered)

Thanks to the generosity of Tanja Bochnig, we have a 15 ml bottle  of April Aromatics Scent of Many Colours for one registered reader in the EU or USA. You must register or your entry will not count. To be eligible, please leave a comment saying what sparks your interest about Scent of Many Colours from Ida’s review and where you live. Do you have a favorite April Aromatics perfume?  Draw closes 6/25/24

All images are from April Aromatics unless otherwise stated.

Editor’s Note: Tanja Bochnig was Ermano’s 2020 Best Natural Perfumer of 2020, Irisistible was in Ida’s top 10 Best Perfumes of 2018 and Agartha was in Michelyn’s Top 25 Best Perfumes of 2016. When former Managing Editor Tama Blough (RIP 1/9/2015) was in hospice care, at Michelyn’s request, Tanja Bochnig kindly agreed to create a limited edition San Francisco Rose to honor her and donated the profits to Tama’s care.

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