Make the New Year Fun!

December is almost over and a new year looms before us. 2023. An entire year; 365 days to live. The question is, how do you want to spend it?

I find it important and revealing to review the past year and reassess. I think about where it started, what happened, and where I am now. This leads me to think of changes I want to make and goals I want to set.  Do you do the same?

This is a serious topic, but I want to make it fun and limit it to bath and body products and candles. I’ll yet you do the heavy stuff on your own.

I think it keeps us fresh and passionate to try something new. What have you not done yet that you would like to try? Is it cold process soap? Lotion? Candles? Perhaps you want to try a new technique for something you already make, such as a new soap swirl or bath fizzies with embeds or coconut wax candles. Now is a good time to decide on something and make plans to do it. Isn’t that fun?

You might also want to learn something new. Learning involves research—you know, reading up on a topic, taking notes and seeking information that you can use. You might just like to be more conversant on a topic or you might research to improve certain skills. Either way, it is a good thing to exercise your brain and learn, especially when that learning results in a better outcome.

Another idea to incorporate into your plans for 2023 is to improve upon something. This might mean that you seek to make a better product or to use production time more efficiently. Perhaps it is to resolve to plan schedule so that soap is cured in time for an upcoming season or to design gift sets be ready in plenty of time for the event to save last minute rushing. How is this fun? It’s fun to plan well and reap the rewards of being ready without undue stress.

Finally, If you make and sell products, keep in mind how much fun your products are for your customers. I mean, that’s why most of your customers buy most of your products to begin with, because you make it enjoyable to buy. They experience the colors, scents, labels and, using the product. What could be better than being a purveyor of fun?

If you make products for gifts, you already know how much fun it is, both to make and to give. Keep having and giving fun.

Most of us can do better and would enjoy reaping the benefits of doing so. Whether it is doing something faster or making it look better or just doing it with more confidence, the result is fun. Yes, it takes effort in planning, saving, research and just making it happen, but the result is worth it.

Make 2023 your year for improvement and trying new things but make it fun!

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